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To be a world-class research institute in the field of molecular biosciences

A world-class research institute means an outstanding research institute in academic research, technology, and innovation, has an international cooperation network, has income to support the organization, and is sufficient for continuous self-improvement. Besides, personnel at all levels are committed and proud of the organization.

Vision indicators are 1) the institute’s h-index, 2) the number and average citations of published research, 3) the courses are certified to international standards, 4) revenue from research, academic services, and intellectual property, and 5) affiliate assessment. 


1. To create excellence in basic and applied research that fosters knowledge in science, technology, and innovations to benefit Thailand and the world society.
2. To create excellence in graduate studies, nurturing graduates with the potential to generate research on par with international standards.
3. To create excellence in academic services that generate sustainable income and addresses the user’s and society’s needs.
4. To promote efficient and effective management and development of human resources that proficiently adapt to rapid changes and are consistent with an international standard of quality.



W  =  Wisdom
 =  Excellence
M  =  Mastery
=  Belonging