ดร.นวลจันทร์ จุฑาภักดีกุล
Nuanchan’s research goal is to translate neuroscience knowledge
to support early childhood care and education.
- Tel: 66 (0) 2441-9003 – 7 Ext. 1203
- Email: nuanchan.chu
- Ph.D. (Neuroscience), Mahidol University, 1999
- Academic Program(s)
My research interest focuses on the effects of maternal stress on brain development of the offspring e.g., neurogenesis, neural migration, axonal growth, and synapse formation. Recent work focuses on the roles of the placenta barrier in modulating the effects of maternal stress on brain development to understand the underlying mechanism of neurodevelopmental disorders and the possibility of reprogramming.
Another research interest focuses on factors that affect the development of executive function (EF) and self-regulation (SR) in children to adolescents. Our expertise is in measuring EF/SR in young children with the national norms. The ultimate goal is to apply cognitive neuroscience to guide parents and teachers for better child care and education and to improve Thai children’s school learning outcomes.
1.Suppalarkbunlue W, Chutabhakdikul N*, Lertladaluck K, Moriguchi Y. Promoting Inhibitory Control in Preschool Children Through Music-Movement Activities in the Classroom. Journal of Research in Childhood Education. 2022:1-17.
2.Suwaluk A, Chutabhakdikul N*. Altered Development of Prefrontal GABAergic Functions and Anxiety-like Behavior in Adolescent Offspring Induced by Prenatal Stress. Brain Sciences. 2022;12(8). https://doi.org/10.3390/brainsci12081015
3.Surakul P, Chutabhakdikul N*, Vanichviriyakit R, Promthep K, Thangnipon W. Maternal stress induced autophagy dysfunction and immune activation in the hippocampus of adolescence rat pups. J Chem Neuroanat. 2022;121:102085.
4.Lertladaluck K, Suppalarkbunlue W, Moriguchi Y, Chutabhakdikul N. School-Based Mindfulness Intervention Improves Executive Functions and Self-Regulation in Preschoolers at Risk. TJBS. 2021;16(2):58-72.
5.Kolaka R, Vanichviriyakit R, Chutabhakdikul N. Effects of maternal stress on Reelin signaling and migration of GABAergic interneurons in the prefrontal cortex of postnatal rats. JMHS. 2021;28(1):40-54.
6.Chounchay S, Chutabhakdikul N. Effects of deferoxamine on the survival of the neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells and neuroimmune response in the BV-2 microglial cells. JMHS. 2020;7(3):100-11.
7.Lukseng T, Siripornpanich, V, Chutabhakdikul N. Long-Term Vipassana Meditation Enhances Executive Function in Adult Meditators. SMJ. 2020;72(4): 343-51.
8.Lertladaluck K, Chutabhakdikul N, Chevalier N, Moriguchi Y. Effects of social and nonsocial reward on executive function in preschoolers. Brain Behav. 2020:e01763
9.Chounchay S, Noctor SC, Chutabhakdikul N. Microglia enhances proliferation of neural progenitor cells in an in vitro model of hypoxic-ischemic injury. EXCLI Journal. 2020;19:950-61.
10.Siripornpanich V, Visudtibhan A, Kotchabhakdi N, Chutabhakdikul N. Delayed cortical maturation at the centrotemporal brain regions in patients with benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes (BCECTS). Epilepsy Res. 2019;154:124-31.
11.Kolaka R, Chotwiwatthanakun C, Chutabhakdikul N. Fetal exposure to high levels of maternal glucocorticoids alters reelin signaling in the prefrontal cortex of rat pups. Int J Dev Neurosci. 2019;78:185-90.
12.Seamkhumhom D, Nookong A, Somsiri Rungamornrat S, Chutabhakdikul N. Factors Related to Executive Functions in Preschool-Aged Children. JTNMC. 2019;34(4):80-94.
13.Siripornpanich V, Sampoon K, Chaithirayanon S, Kotchabhakdi N, and Chutabhakdikul N. Enhancing Brain Maturation Through a Mindfulness-Based Education in Elementary School Children: a Quantitative EEG Study. Mindfulness. 2018;9(6):1877-84.
- 2020 ALBA-FKNE-YIBRO Diversity grant for participating in the FENS2020 Virtual Forum, during 11-15 July 2020.
- 2018 Distinguished award recipient from the Office of the Narcotics Control Board, Ministry of Justice, Thailand.
- 2017 The IBRO/IBE-UNESCO Science of Learning Fellow, Geneva, Switzerland, from 1 Oct 2017-31 Dec 2017.
- 2012 Academic Outstanding Award, Institute of Molecular Biosciences, Mahidol University