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Thank you for choosing MB for your internship program!
Before you can start your internship at MB, you need to register with us as a trainee, by following these
steps: 1
1. Choose your supervisor from https://mb.mahidol.ac.th/web/en/academic-staff-researcher-mb/ and contact them via email. Introduce yourself, reasons for internship requirement, and internship period.

  • Process duration 3-5 days
steps: 2
2. When you have supervisor, contact your affiliated department or faculty, which you are currently enrolled, so that they can provide you with an Internship Request Letter.
  Click here for an example of Internship Request Letter.

Make sure that the Internship Request Letter contains the following information:
1.1 Your name and surname
1.2 Your current year of study, department, and faculty that you are currently enrolled.
1.3 The period of time of your internship
1.4 The name of the academic staff of the Institute of Molecular Biosciences that you have contacted for your internship.
1.5 Internship Request Letter approved and signed by the dean or the representative of the dean of your affiliation.

  • Process duration 2-3 weeks upon affiliated department
steps: 3
3. Submit the Internship Request Letter to:

Office of Research and Innovation affair
Contact: Ms. Panutchanat Khamtonwong
Tel. 02 4419003-7, ext. 1447
Email: panutchanat.kha@mahidol.edu

After the institute receive the document, we will proceed the letter of acceptance and send it to you and your affiliate.

  • Process duration 1-2 weeks
The Bench Fee
The Bench Fee will be charged in some case of private training and research, see more detail:

Announcement of Institute of Molecular Biosciences: Guidelines for the determination of bench fee for persons not affiliated with Mahidol University who conduct research and training at the Institute of Molecular Biosciences:
