ดร.ศุภจิต สระเพชร
We use molecular markers to achieve marker assisted selections
in cassava breeding and plant biological diversity.
- Tel: 66 (0) 2441-9003 – 7 Ext. 1368
- Email: supajit.sra
- Ph.D. (Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering), Mahidol University, 2011
Our current research aims to develop Simple Sequence Repeats (SSR) or microsatellite, and Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) markers in order to apply for genomic study of economically important crops especially cassava. We have focused on using the molecular markers for construction of genetic linkage maps and QTL analysis of important traits such as yield, starch content and yield-related traits. The results of our work would lead to discovery of candidate genes underlying these traits. Importantly, it is an important step to establish Marker Assisted Selection (MAS) in the cassava breeding program. In addition, we have also applied SSR markers as well as DNA barcoding for conservation purposes in rare plants and animals of Thailand including medicinal plants and for species identification.
1.Sraphet S, Javadi B. In silico analysis of pseudomonas cellulose synthase A. Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology. 2020;21(33-34):83-94.
2.Tappiban P, Sraphet S, Srisawad N, Wu P, Han H, Smith DR, et al. Effects of cassava variety and growth location on starch fine structure and physicochemical properties. Food Hydrocolloids. 2020;108:106074.
3.Sraphet S, Chantravisut P, Srisawad N, Suksee N, Smith D, Triwitayakorn K. Development and application of SSR markers derived from Bauhinia Strychnifolia a semi-endemic plant in Thailand. Journal of Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants. 2018;24:1-8.
4.Sraphet S, Boonchanawiwat A, Thanyasiriwat T, Thaikert R, Whankaew S, Smith DR, et al. Quantitative trait loci underlying root yield and starch content in an F 1 derived cassava population (Manihot esculenta Crantz). The Journal of Agricultural Science. 2017;155(4):569-81.
5.Sraphet S, Ponsit T, Suksee N, Smith DR, Triwitayakorn K, Kongsawadworakul P. Genetic Linkage Map of Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) based on rubber tree and cassava simple sequence repeat markers. journal of crop improvement. 2016;30(5):552-61.