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Molecular and Integrative Biosciences

Academic Programs

The MBMB program empowers future scientists through innovation, interdisciplinary collaboration, and advanced research in molecular and integrative biosciences. It aims to produce globally competitive graduates equipped to drive discovery and address challenges in health, biotechnology, and sustainability.

M.Sc. (Molecular and Integrative Biosciences)

Program–Level Learning Outcomes: PLOs

When complete the learning of the program, students will be able to:

(1) Conceptualize, integrate, and apply fundamental knowledge of theory and practice in Molecular and Integrative Biosciences.

(2) Exercise cognitive and practical skills essential for conducting research in the field of Molecular and Integrative Biosciences.

(3) Adhere to ethical standards and integrity in both personal and professional practices.

(4) Possess academic and research communication, leadership and adaptability.

One study plan
Plan 1.2 (Course work and thesis):
• Required courses 11 credits
• Elective courses not less than 9 credits
• Thesis 16 credits
Total not less than 36 credits

More information

Ph.D. (Molecular and Integrative Biosciences)

Program–Level Learning Outcomes: PLOs

When complete the learning of the program, students will be able to:

(1) Evaluate and integrate novel ideas to synthesize complex knowledge systems within the field of Molecular and Integrative Biosciences.

(2) Create and internationally publish high-quality research in Molecular and Integrative Biosciences.

(3) Adhere to and advise best practices for ethics and integrity in both personal and professional practices.

(4) Possess academic and research communication, leadership and adaptability in diverse, interdisciplinary, and international environments.

Two study plans
Plan 2.1 (students with a Master’s degree):
• Required courses 9 credits
• Elective courses not less than 3 credits
• Dissertation 36 credits
Total not less than 48 credits

Plan 2.2 (students with a Bachelor’s degree):
• Required courses 15 credits
• Elective courses not less than 9 credits
• Dissertation 48 credits
Total not less than 72 credits

More information

Further information Please visit https://mbmb4all.wordpress.com

The newly designed program seeks to equip students with advanced knowledge and skills in the fast-evolving fields of molecular biology and integrative biosciences. Emphasizing interdisciplinary research and practical applications, it fosters a dynamic learning environment where students can excel, develop, and prepare for the demands of the global scientific community. The followings are all courses that we offer to [1] our M.Sc. and Ph.D. students, [2] non-MBMB students, and [3] non-MU students (registered as MAP-C students; for more info, please visit https://graduate.mahidol.ac.th/MAP-2021/MAP-C.php):

Course List

Further information
Please visit https://mbmb4all.wordpress.com

Program Instructors

Apinunt Udomkit, Ph.D.

Duncan Richard Smith, Ph.D.

Panadda Boonserm, Ph.D.

Chalongrat Noree, Ph.D.
Associate Professor

Kanokporn Triwitayakorn, Ph.D.
Associate Professor

M.L. Saovaros Svasti, Ph.D.
Associate Professor

Sarin Chimnaronk, Ph.D.
Associate Professor

Chutima Thepparit, Ph.D.

Sujira Mukda, Ph.D.
Associate Professor

Soraya Chaturongakul, Ph.D.
Associate Professor

Kittiphong Paiboonsukwong, M.D., Ph.D.

Narisorn Kitiyanant, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor

Duangrudee Tanramluk, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor

Natee Jearawiriyapaisarn, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor

Promsin Masrinoul, Ph.D.

Duangnapa Kovanich, Ph.D.

Alisa Tubsuwan, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor

Poochit Nonejuie, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor

Phatchariya Phannasil, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor

Siraprapa Boobphahom, Ph.D.

Ittipat Meewan, Ph.D.

Jiraporn Panmanee, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor

M.Sc. (Molecular and Integrative Biosciences)

Admission Requirements

1.1 Holding a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in biological sciences or other related

1.2 Other requirements shall follow those that specified by the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

1.3 Qualifications different from 2) may be considered by the Program Administrative Committee and the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

Ph.D. (Molecular and Integrative Biosciences)

Admission Requirements
Plan 2.1 For students with a Master’s degree

(1) Holding a Master’s Degree or equivalent in biological sciences or other related fields.

(2) Have cumulative GPA not less than 3.50.

(3) Have and English Proficiency Examination score as the requirement of Faculty of Graduate Studies.

(4) Other requirements shall follow those that specified by the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

(5) Qualifications different from (2) – (4) may be considered by the Program Administrative Committee and the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

Plan 2.2 For students with a Bachelor’s degree

(1) Holding a Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent in biological sciences or other related fields.

(2) Have cumulative GPA not less than 3.50.

(3) Have and English Proficiency Examination score as the requirement of Faculty of Graduate Studies.

(4) Other requirements shall follow those that specified by the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

(5) Qualifications different from (2) – (4) may be considered by the Program Administrative Committee and the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

Detail information about admission and other related criteria please visit https://graduate.mahidol.ac.th

Research Area
