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Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering

Student Handbook 2024 | AUN-QA Certificate
 Study Plan

Ph.D. Plan 1:
A research program designed for those who obtained an M.Sc. degree with research experience or publication. No coursework is required, only dissertation.
Ph.D. Plan 2.1:
A program designed for those who obtained an M.Sc. degree. Students are expected to undertake at least 12 credits of coursework and conduct a research thesis for 36 credits.
Ph.D. Plan 2.2:
A program designed for those who obtained a B.Sc. Degree with a GPA above 3.5. The course requirements are 26-credit coursework including seminars and a 48-credit research thesis.

The M.Sc. curriculum consists of one-year coursework and one-year research project. There is a possibility of transferring to the Ph.D. program after completion of the first year study, based on the first year academic performance. The course requirements are 24-credit coursework including seminars and a 12-credit research thesis.  

Further information
For more details regarding the Programs in Molecular Genetics and Genetics Engineering, please email to the Program Director of Molecular Genetics and Genetics Engineering: Associate Professor Panadda Boonserm, Ph.D. (Email:
 Program Instructors

ดร.ศรินทร์ ฉิมณรงค์

ดร.ชนันท์ อังศุธนสมบัติ

ดร.เฉลิมพร องศ์วรโสภณ

Duncan Richard Smith, Ph.D.

ดร.กนกพร ไตรวิทยากร

ดร.ชาติชาย กฤตนัย

ดร.ปนัดดา บุญเสริม

ดร.อภินันท์ อุดมกิจ

ดร.สุรพล พิบูลโภคานันท์

ดร. ม.ล. เสาวรส สวัสดิวัฒน์

ดร.กุศล ภูธนกิจ

ดร.ฉลองรัตน์ โนรี

ดร.ดวงฤดี ธารรำลึก

ดร.ภูชิต โนนจุ้ย

General Admission
Holders of a science degree in biology, biochemistry, chemistry, genetics, agricultural sciences, medical sciences, medical technology, veterinary sciences, dentistry, and other related fields, who wish to attend the program full-time as a regular student, are welcome to submit an application to the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Mahidol University.

Please visit the following sites for further information:

Mahidol Apprenticeship Program (MAP)

Professionals who wish to take part in our graduate programs (MAP-C) or courses (MAP-EX) without formal registration or full-time attendance are welcome to apply to the Mahidol Apprenticeship Program (MAP), overseen by the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

To learn more about MAP, please visit the following sites:

Research Area